Friday, March 30, 2007


First Easter Egg from the parents of our landlord. I had better hide it or Mum and Dad will eat it!!!

First time with Playdoh, not sure what I think of it though as I dont' think Mum made it right... Even though she followed Aunty T's recipe!!!!!

One one of our daily "house inspection" walks. (Kills 30mins anyway and I love exploring)

What's over here!!!

Arch - When you get here we can have races down in the vineyard!!!!

Outside playing today.... ll fait beau aujourd'hui!!!

Thunder thighs!!!

Mum said "Right, lets go inside now, and I didn't want to go!!! so I took off.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

More ruins...

We went for a quick walk up to these ruins last weekend...

Up high with Dad.... Don't look down..


I love drawing......

Or is that eating..... Mum always tells me but I can never remember...

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Mum stupidly put my latest update on the other blog... so go and check out for the latest update on me!!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

March Antics

Well March has started with a hiss and a roar. We looked after Bella for a week. I loved sitting in her bed munching on her lead

I would try and get into bed with her everynight

and succeded!!!!!

She lovd running around me... I look scared in some of these pics, but I wasn't really. She would always dodge me at the last minute and I would crack up...

Check out the ears!!!

Now Jump!!!

All relaxed...

Last Monday, Mum, Tabitha, Will and I went down to the park. I got a bit ahead of myself and tryed to climb up something way to high and mum was just that wee bit too far away from me and I fell about 1.5 metres... I was soooo sad and sore that Mum & Dad took me to A&E and had to speak French to the Dr's!!! So now I am in a cast and have to go back next week for another x-ray and appointment. I have been pretty sad about the whole thing!!!

Now, don't try this at home!!!

Mum is letting me watch TV when I want as it's a good distraction!!!! I might have to break my arm more often!!!

It hasn't stopped me from having fun though...

Friday, March 09, 2007

Sad Times

Maia has been sad this week.. She broke her arm on Monday. Fell about a metre and a half off this ramp thing at the park. Hopefully she will only be in plaster for 3 weeks... We hope!!!

Pics will follow.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Fun French Times

Well I have been having some fun over the last couple of weeks. I am a bit sick at the moment which sucks!!! But I will get better soon.

Doing some drawing, wishing I had a friend in the other chair :-)

Eating my Kiwifruit!!!

These next ones are of me at Little Gym.. I move around so quickly that it's hard for Mum to get a good shot.

This wee girl and I love to play with the water.. (Mum cant remember her name and it's french anyway so I can't say it!!!) Mais elle est tres tres mignonne (but she is very very cute)!!

There are so many things to play on at Little Gym..

Attendre pour moi!!!!!!

I don't really like it when they get the parachute out.. It's scary

I went to a birthday party and found a Kit Kat and had a great time!!!

Bella came over again and it was cool to play with her.. We are looking after her all of next week!!!!

I love chasing her around the house.

I am very good at getting up like this all on my own and balancing!!!

Pete and Sandy (Pete works with Dad) brought a new puppy 'Casey' She's cool.

Just me!!!

Me on my 17month birthday....

Nan sends mum the "little treasuers" mag and I love reading it..