Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day One of School Holidays

Today we met some friends at a fun park just 5 mins from home. 

Here I am being a clown

Dancing to the band!! Tayla, Me, Emily and Lara

Heaps of fun on the Flying Fox!!!!

And we finished off with a Donkey ride.  Mum made a bit of an ARSE out of herself though as we thought the lady said that Emily and I( the 2 youngest) had to ride together for safety, but then realised NO, she wanted us one at a time. THEN Val (Emily's mum) said to Mum, "Oh, I think she means that you have to get on the Donkey with her".. so Mum was like "WHAT.. NO WAY!!! How can I get on a donkey at 6mths pregnant"... The lady thought Mum was nuts when she told her that she couldn't do it as she was pregnant.... She never wanted her to get on in the first place!!!.. she had just been telling us to be careful safety wise as the seat was big.  The lady took pity on Mum (thinking that she was scared of DONKEY'S) and came around the track with us!!!!  Shamefull. 
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Monday, February 23, 2009

Feb Fun.

Playing outside with Emily - We are dressed the same as they are our 'painting clothes'


Ballerina in coat and gloves

I was really tired the other day and fell asleep on my floor... for 1.5 hours!!!!!!!!

Here is my new wee ...... oh, better  not say.. Nana Johnson doesn't want to know if it's a girl or a boy!!!!  Don't worry Nana, It's only a face shot!!!
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As stated below, Maia loves going outside with her wee basket and collecting stuff. Shaun decided to help her make it into a picture. She was just so proud of herself. 

Shaun put the glue on the page, but she decided where she wanted the stuff to go.... 

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First 2009 trip was........

a disaster!!!!!!!.... What should have taken us 40 mins to get to.. took over double that due to road closures (and even longer on the way home) and we got there and the place that you go there to see is closed in Dec,Jan and Feb!!! Book didn't tell me that did it!!!

Anyway, it was Roussillon, The 'Colorado' of France as you can see in the top pic. We plan to go back if we can in March for an afternoon so will provide better pics then. (The top one was taken down a Private road we just ran down!!) 


Shaun and Maia

Me and Maia with Roussillon in the background. 

Little Basket Girl!!! She is so into collecting stuff!!!
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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Cupcake Day

Mum and I made some cupcakes the other day.. 


it was my job to put the sprinkles on

Ummmmm... you didn't see me do this.... 

Finished!!!!! They were orange flavoured ones and were DELISH!!!!
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Freezing February Fun

It's still pretty cold here... but we still get outside!!!

Here I am preparing for my Big Sister role in a few months... 

Outside fun with Dad

Check out my great kick!!
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