Friday, July 28, 2006

10.5mth Picture Overload

Maia at the zoo with the Lions

Yeah I'm cute.. whats new

Soooooo good at feeding herself.. NOT!!!

I just love clapping now that I know how. All mum and dad have to say is "Clap your hands Maia"and I am away

Whoops... I fell into the nappy basket when I was going for the remote

Yumm Icecream

I am very good at walking behind my walker..............

..........and standing

Getting ready for my FAME audition

When can I just drink straight from the milk bottle??

Thursday, July 13, 2006

10 Months Today

Love playing in the sand....

First chocolate fish...

10 month birthday today so got some new digs..... Pic above.. Maia practicing her royal wave

Monday, July 03, 2006

Playing with her buddy Jackson

First fish finger

How am I supposed to get down here now?

First ponytail