Friday, March 30, 2007


First Easter Egg from the parents of our landlord. I had better hide it or Mum and Dad will eat it!!!

First time with Playdoh, not sure what I think of it though as I dont' think Mum made it right... Even though she followed Aunty T's recipe!!!!!

One one of our daily "house inspection" walks. (Kills 30mins anyway and I love exploring)

What's over here!!!

Arch - When you get here we can have races down in the vineyard!!!!

Outside playing today.... ll fait beau aujourd'hui!!!

Thunder thighs!!!

Mum said "Right, lets go inside now, and I didn't want to go!!! so I took off.

1 comment:

Stace said...

Maia, best you tell mummy to invest in some food colouring for that dodgy looking playdoh she made you....!!