Saturday, March 10, 2007

March Antics

Well March has started with a hiss and a roar. We looked after Bella for a week. I loved sitting in her bed munching on her lead

I would try and get into bed with her everynight

and succeded!!!!!

She lovd running around me... I look scared in some of these pics, but I wasn't really. She would always dodge me at the last minute and I would crack up...

Check out the ears!!!

Now Jump!!!

All relaxed...

Last Monday, Mum, Tabitha, Will and I went down to the park. I got a bit ahead of myself and tryed to climb up something way to high and mum was just that wee bit too far away from me and I fell about 1.5 metres... I was soooo sad and sore that Mum & Dad took me to A&E and had to speak French to the Dr's!!! So now I am in a cast and have to go back next week for another x-ray and appointment. I have been pretty sad about the whole thing!!!

Now, don't try this at home!!!

Mum is letting me watch TV when I want as it's a good distraction!!!! I might have to break my arm more often!!!

It hasn't stopped me from having fun though...

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