Thursday, August 21, 2008

Aug Fun....

Just being ME!!!

Cookies anyone??

Check out the 'flowers' mum and I made....

2 flowers!!!!!
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Friends visit

Some of our Wellington friends have just moved to Milan, so they came to visit us for a week. They have 2 boy's. One my age Jackson, and his wee brother Alec. (no pics of him, he just moved way to fast for us!!!)

Playing Dr's and Nurses....

Painting the house...

Arms up....

Bringing Daddy his wine... I carried it quite a long way and there were no spills!!!
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Day in Marseille

We went and had a day in Marseille and jumped on 2 wee tourist trains...

Here I am dancing up at the Notre Dame

Mum and I overlooking Chateau d'if

This is what the trains were like, the people waiting would hardly give you 1cm of space to get off as they were PUSHING their way into your seat!!!

By the time the second train came around I was a bit tired so lay down for half of that one...
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Monday, August 11, 2008


I caught up with Will at a BBQ, he's been away in Finland for 2 weeks so I have missed him.

We started with a swim...

The played 'see who can stick the most stickers on Egg cartons'

Then cuddled up for some Playschool.

Then Nick and Anna let us paint their walls!!!!

Finished with Nick giving us the BIGGEST ice-cream we have ever had.. LOVED IT...

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Day in Avignon

Shaun had a day off today, so we took a trip to Avignon. 40mins from us, but we have never really explored it properly. It was a fantasitc day for it, a bit windy which made it sooooo nice!!

Palais des Papes - Popes ruling in the 14th century built this grand, fortress-like palace.

After nearly 2 years of me (Heidi) refusing to seem like a 'tourist' we are now doing all the 'touristie' things!!! We jumped on the 'petit train' for a 40min tour of Avignon!! Well worth it and we will be doing this at EVERY city now!!!

Shaun and Maia on the train - She just LOVED it and was waving to everybody like she was the Queen!!

We sat down at a restaurant up at the Rocher des Doms and it was right beside a wee pond with ducks so Maia had a ball. We gave her some bread and she was away. She also loved giving the bread to the wee boy beside her so he could also feed the ducks. Everytime she gave him the bread he said "Merci" and she would turn around to us and say "Haha, he just said Merci to me". it was really cute - but I thikn the wee boy thought she was a bit of a nut!!!

Nothing like a foot spa to end a long day!!!

Maia is now at an age that we CAN'T go past a merry-go-round without her going on it!!!


Avignon - Mum & Me

Up at the Rocher des doms looking down on the Pont St-Bénézet. Bridge that begun in 1177 and us the subjext of the famous rhyme "Sur le Pont D'Avignon"

Right at the end of the Pont St-Bénézet

Being nutters outside the walls!!!

Up at the Rocher des doms. Hillside gardens behind Notre-Dame-des-Doma and are the site of the earliest settlement.

Thursday, August 07, 2008


Can I whip you up something???

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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Day with Appoline part 2

For some reason the last pics didn't show up.. so here they are!!

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Check this out... She watched Madonna's new video 'give it to me' and then cracked me up by singing it!!!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


No better way to eat dinner and watch TV...

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