Hi everyone.. Have had a busy few weeks.. Here are some photo's.
Until he tried to get me!!!!
Cute pigtail girl
Me & Will.. trying to escape
Yet again, doing something we shouldn't
Dad put up our new tent so we had a jump on the mattrass.. it was hard work!!!
Just chilling with mum...
On Mum's birthday..... in the swing Dad and I brought her...
Gotta love this!!!
I would sit and watch TV all day if they let me...
Chilling out with my Irish buddy Moya, Well we will be buddies one day, she wasn't too keen on me this time around, but she will get used to me.. Must be a red head thing!! hahaha
Dad caught a bunny so I got a pat
On the Merry-go-round in Aix
With Dad..
Helping Dad eat his hotdog
I found this funny looking dog down at the markets.. the nice lady let me pat it.. Mum had to keep saying "Doucement" which is "Gentle" in French as I was a bit rough.
Fuzzy but cute...
Modelling my wetsuit.. it's a size 4.. French kids must be small..
Monkey Impression
Elephant Impression
Ready to dive in..........
More pool time
The water is just wayyyyyy to cold.. I cried the whole time...
With Dad.. I am happy in the pool.. but only when none of my body is actually touching the water. :-)
On a daily rekkie of the grapes..
Moi, jeu avec nos enfants de voisins (Playing with our neighbours)
So many words come out of Maia's mouth now its a crack up..... and alot of them now aren't parroted so she actually will say them of her own accord. She loves tissues and calls them "Nose" and she knows all her body parts (well the easy ones anyway) and recites them off all the time. She is now being very very attached to her toys and insists on karting around 3 or 4 at a time and gets very upset when she can't. We are off to Corsica in 2 weeks so this will be her first time camping and sleeping overnight on a ferry!!!!..... fingers crossed.