Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Dad really wants another dog... look what he is training me to do!!!!!

Monday, February 20, 2006


I wish someone would tell mum to stop having a wine before she feeds me!!!!!

Maia "Elton" Johnson

Hahaha.. I didn't realise how much she looked like Elton John... and that Red head on UK show Gimme, Gimme, Gimmee....

Having fun with Sofia

Having all the fun I can with Sofia before her stinky parents take her away from me in a week... we are just starting to have our first REAL conversations :-) I'll never have another friend like you S....


Dads feet and my feet!!!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Ha ha ha ha.............

More sitting up

Maia loves sitting like this.. but mostly ends up like the above shot...

Maia's first spa

She just loved it....

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Fuzzi Bunz

Laxing out in my new Hot Pink fuzzi Bunz

Sitting up

Maia is now learning to sit up by herself.


"Monkey, I am going to eat you"
"Monkey, Are you O.K??"
"Monkey, I didn't mean it, let me put you in the recovery position. "

3 Squadron Girl

Friday, February 10, 2006


I get so many photo's of her like this.... what is up with that bottom lip.

More Jumping

Jolly jumping on a cold day.

Big Eyes

I just love this one.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Antenatal Buddies

Catching up with my antenatal buddies. Top clockwise: Sofia, Sam, Eden, Hinewairua,Daniel,Louisa,Oliver and Me!!!


Not too sure whose child this is... but once I find out.. i'm sending it back :-)

Pretty Smiles

Drunk Faces

Chilling out on the floor

mmmmmm.... quick mum before I fall over!!!

More Jolly Jumping.. I love it!!!

A sainthood to whoever invented the Jolly Jumper!!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Maia & Sofia

A day at the zoo is hard work... Hang on.. this was before we went in!!!!


First visit to Wgtn Zoo.. notice giraffe in background...

New bath seat

Maia in her new bath seat... shes still a bit wee for it but we had to try it out....

Holding her own

Maia is very good at holding her own bottle...

Avocado Girl

Avocado goes everywhere!!!!

Banana Girl

Banana goes everywhere!!!!

Jolly Jumping

Maia just loves checking herself out in the mirror!!!!